Covid-19 Safe Practices

We are committed to keeping your family safe.

Covid-19 Safe Practices

(Last updated 24 July 2024)

Arrival to class: 

  1. To ensure social distancing and to limit the number of families at our venues, we ask that you do not arrive early to your session. 

  2. Depending on local government mandates, you may be required to wear a face mask unless medically exempt. At this point in time, a face mask is not required.

  3. Ensure hand hygiene procedures are followed by using the hand sanitiser readily available at the entrance of each class.  

  4. Once you enter the class, please find a seat on a mat provided. Please bring a muslin cloth/blanket for you and your baby to sit on. 

  5. We ask parents/guardians to remove their shoes and wear socks throughout the class. 

During class: 

  1. Class numbers have been limited to comply with square meter guidelines for indoor spaces. 

  2. Two adults per child are permitted to attend.

  3. Sitting mats will be separated in line with social distancing measures. We ask all parents/guardians to remain on their mats with their babies (where possible). 

  4. If masks are mandatory (subject to local government mandates) they may be removed during particular activities where we are performing work where clear visibility of the mouth is required, eg. speech and language activities. The class leader will notify the class of these particular activities and the removal of face masks will be at the parents/guardians discretion. Social distancing will be required during these times. 

  5. There are certain group activities where we can not ensure social distancing. Eg. babies in the centre exploring sensory lights. The re-application of hand sanitiser and the use of masks will be mandatory for these tasks. There will also be buckets to place items that your baby has put in their mouth to be sanitised. 

  6. We may ask parents/guardians to wash or sanitise their hands at certain points throughout the session. 

  7. If your baby spills or spits up during the class please notify your class leader immediately so necessary cleaning can be undertaken.

Leaving your class: 

  1. We ask you to please leave the class promptly following your session. This is to enable our staff to undertake necessary cleaning and to limit the number of families at the venue. 


  1. If you have symptoms or have tested positive to Covid-19 we ask that you do not attend a Starting Steps class for at least 5 days (and only when you no longer have any symptoms) .

    1. Some Covid-19 symptoms include: 

      1. Fever; 

      1. Coughing; 

      2. Sore throat; 

      3. Fatigue; and

      4. Shortness of breath 

  2. Following a positive Covid-19 result (or similar symptoms) we encourage the use of masks upon returning to class.

Missed class: 

  1. If you are unable to attend a class for any reason, please contact us via email at if you would like to arrange a make up session. 

Cancelled class: 

  1. If we are required to cancel a class due to our staff having to isolate, you may be offered a make up session at a later time either online or in person.

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