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What’s all the fuss about? What is Starting Steps?

Starting Steps is an Australian program designed to encourage babies aged 6 weeks to 13 months to meet their developmental milestones through fun and play! Our 45 minute baby classes have been designed by a team of Allied Health Professionals- better known as the ‘A-Team’. It’s Australia’s first baby class designed by health professionals!

What activities should we expect?

Classes entail plenty of milestone tasks and enjoyable activities including sensory play, baby key word sign (Australian sign language), messy play, baby massage, music, dancing, games, baby yoga, movement, puzzles, visual aids and a whole lot more! Our sessions have an emphasis on speech and movement.

Whilst we have fancy lights and big parachutes, most activities have been designed for parents and carers to learn and replicate at home.

Read more info below.

How is Starting Steps different to other baby classes?

The first distinction is that we are not a sensory or music class. Whilst we have elements of sensory play and music (of course!), we are a baby developmental class! We use books, puzzles, stacking cups, shape sorters, blocks, etc. - easily accessible items. Yes, we have all the fancy props that you would expect, but the majority of our activities have been designed to educate parents and carers so that they can easily be replicated and repeated at home (repetition is key!).

We are an Australian company. When you join Starting Steps, you are therefore supporting local health professionals and educators (thank you). Our content is therefore all Aussie based. We proudly teach Australian sign language in our sessions. This provides a gateway to communicate with your baby before they can verbalise.

Each class we do a “Mini Movers” session. This involves the option to learn tips and tricks on a particular gross motor skill from our Physiotherapist (eg. Crawling), or your baby can work on their movement on our play equipment. This is also a great opportunity to connect with the other families.

We hope this gives a small insight as to how we are different.

Is each term different?

Yes! Our A-Team have designed 40 different classes across 4 individual terms, which means that you can attend Starting Steps during your babies whole first year of life! Once you join us, you’ll receive a family discount for consecutive terms.

How old does my baby have to be to attend?

Babies from 6 weeks to 13 months are welcome to attend our sessions. If your baby has turned 1 prior to the start of term, they have unfortunately outgrown our program.

For preemie babies, we go off their actual age, rather than their corrected age. If your baby is older than 13 months and has developmental delays, please contact us via email to discuss prior to booking.

Should I wait until my baby is a bit older to join?

The short answer… no!

It’s easy to concentrate on your baby’s physical limitations during the early stages. Whilst your baby may not be able to physically do some of our activities, they’ll be learning other skills which support and encourage their development. A great example is when we use shape sorter eggs (coloured pull-apart eggs with shapes inside). Your baby may not be able to physically grasp the eggs, let alone pull them apart and put them back together again. They will however be practising tummy time as we keep them engaged in the activity, be learning shape and colour recognition, developing language skills and hearing new sounds as we encourage exclamatory words from the adults such as “woah!” and “ta-da”, working on their visual tracking as we open and close the egg, establishing social and emotional skills by having joint attention with their parent/caregiver. These are just a few of the other skills learnt in this one activity!

Evidence also shows that the first few months of a baby’s life in particular are a critical time for brain growth and development. We want to take advantage of this critical window of opportunity for shaping their future learning, behaviour, and development. Starting Steps classes (along with our activities being replicated at home by parents and caregivers) can have a profound impact on your baby's lifelong outcomes.

When a baby is born, their brain contains billions of neurons that are not yet fully connected. As your baby grows and experiences the world around them, their brain forms new neural pathways and strengthens existing connections. These neural pathways and connections are critical for the development of a wide range of skills, including language, movement, social skills, and cognitive abilities.

So to answer the question, the earlier we can start stimulating their growing brains, the better! What better way to start than with Starting Steps.

Can I bring my other children to class?

Unfortunately, based on parent feedback we do not allow other older children to attend our sessions.

Do you do a discount for twins/multiples?

Yes! We offer a 50% discount for your second, or additional children. Please contact us via email prior to booking.

Can I bring my partner/family member along?

Absolutely! Two adults per child may attend (18+).

I’ve had another baby and want to come back. Do you offer a discount?

Once you’ve joined Starting Steps, you are a part of the family for life (lifers). Contact us via email prior to booking and we’ll give you our current family discount.

Can I book a free trial class?

Yes! To book a free trial session please click here - at the very bottom of the page you will see ‘book a free trial class today’. Please select this button and follow the prompts. We will then send you confirmation of your booking. Please note that trial classes are offered subject to class availability.

When do bookings for next term open?

Bookings open approximately one month prior to each term commencing. Please follow our Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates.

Can I join throughout the term?

Yes! You may join us at any time throughout the term (subject to availability). Term fees will be adjusted on a pro rata basis accordingly. Eg If you join us in week 4, you will be charged for the 6 remaining sessions of term at $17.90 per class.

Do you offer a make-up class for missed sessions?

Yes, absolutely! Please let us know if you are unable to attend a class as soon as possible by contacting us via our Facebook, Instagram or email. You have the following options:

  1. Send a friend with a baby (under 13 months) in your place. Please have them contact us prior; or

  2. Attend a class at an alternative venue/time the same week you missed/will be missing your session (subject to class availability); or

  3. Attend an extra class within two weeks at an alternative venue/time (subject to class availability).

Join the fun now.

Take the first step with Starting Steps and sign up today!