8 - 12 month developmental milestones.



  • pulls self to standing position when hands held

  • raises self to sitting position

  • sits without support

  • stands by pulling themself up using furniture

  • stepping movements around furniture

  • successfully reach out and grasp toy

  • transfers objects from hand to hand

  • picks up and pokes small objects with thumb and finger

  • picks up and throws small objects

  • holds biscuit or bottle

  • crawls

  • mature crawling (quick and fluent)

  • may stand alone momentarily

  • may attempt to crawl up stairs

  • grasps spoon in palm, but poor aim of food to mouth

  • uses hands to feed self

  • alerts peripheral vision

  • rolls ball and crawls to retrieve


  • shows definite anxiety or wariness at appearance of strangers


  • actively seeks to be next to parent or principal caregiver

  • shows signs of anxiety or stress if parent goes away

  • offers toy to adult but does not release it

  • shows signs of empathy to distress of another (but often soothes self)

  • actively explores and plays when parent present, returning now and then for assurance and interaction


  • moves obstacle to get at desired toy

  • bangs two objects held in hands together

  • responds to own name

  • makes gestures to communicate and to symbolise objects, e.g. points to something they want

  • seems to understand some things parent or familiar adults say to them

  • drops toys to be retrieved, handed back, then dropped again/looks in direction of dropped toy

  • smiles at image in mirror

  • likes playing with water

  • shows interest in picture books

  • understands gestures/responds to ‘bye bye’

  • listens with pleasure to sound-making toys and music

  • notices difference and shows surprise


  • responds to own name being called, family names and familiar objects

  • babbles tunefully

  • says words like ‘dada’ or ‘mama’

  • waves goodbye

  • imitates hand clapping

  • imitates actions and sounds

  • enjoys finger-rhymes

  • shouts to attract attention

  • vocalises loudly using most vowels and consonants - sounding like conversation


If you’re seeing delays in developmental areas or if your baby shows signs of losing skills, we recommend you seek advice from a health professional.

The above developmental milestone information has been sourced from the Early Years Learning Framework Practice Based Resources- Developmental Milestones.

See our guides of age appropriate developmental milestones that you can observe.


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